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NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE, INC.(Duracell/NUL Scholarship/Intern Program for Minority Students)

NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE, INC.(Duracell/NUL Scholarship/Intern Program for Minority Students)

120 Wall Street
New York NY 10005


AMOUNT: $10,000 + paid summer


FIELD(S): Engineering; Marketing;
Manufacturing; Finance; Business;
Human Resource, etc.
For undergraduate college/university
students who will be juniors/3rd year stu-dents
at time scholarship commences.
Must rank within top 25% of class & major
in one of above fields. Other requirements
include work experience in related field(s),
extracurricular activities, leadership skills,
& volunteer work. Must be US citizen/permanent
For tuition, room/board, & required
education materials/books. Internship with
one of the Gillette companies takes place
between junior and senior year. Send self-addressed,
stamped envelope for application.