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Connecticut Scholarships

Connecticut Scholarships


Mary Katona Scholarship
NIAF Connecticut Scholarship
Hank Kershner Scholarship
Carle C. Conway Scholarships
James Z. Naurison Scholarship Fund
Student Financial Assistance Commission
Connecticut Society of Professional Engineers
Elisha Leavenworth Foundation
MacCurdy-Salisbury Educational Foundation, Inc.
Connecticut League for Nursing
Charles F. Mitchell Scholarship
Connecticut Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Connecticut Nurserymen's Association
Association of Retired Teachers of Connecticut c/o The Waterbury Foundation
Connecticut Challenge Scholarship Program
Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation
Leonard H. Bulkeley Scholarship Fund
Mary Beneveto Connecticut Association for Health, Physcial Education, Dance & Recreation
Alumni Scholarship Amherst Association of Connecticut
American History Scholarship
Charles Dubose Scholarship
Records Management Scholarship
Malcolm Baldrige Scholarship Fund
Lebbeus F. Bissell Scholarship
Connecticut Rivers Council of the Boy Scouts of America
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship
J.E. Caldwell Centennial Scholarship
Marjorie Sells Carter Trust Scholarship
Various Scholarships The College Club of Hartford
Jacqueline Donnee Vogt Scholarship
Walter F. Wagner Scholarship
Garden Group Scholarship
Yale New Haven Hospital Minority Nursing and Allied Health Scholarship
Gerald and Paul D'Amour Founders Scholarship
New England FEMARA Scholarships
McDonald's� Golden Arches� Scholarships
TRI-STATE BMOA Scholarship Program
H.Joseph Gerber Vision Scholarship Program