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AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR THE BLIND (Rudolph Dillman Memorial Scholarships)

AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR THE BLIND (Rudolph Dillman Memorial Scholarships)

11 Penn Plaza, Suite 300
New York NY 10001
FAX: 212/502-7771



AMOUNT: $2,500


FIELD(S): Rehabilitation/Education of
Visually Impaired/Blind
Open to legally blind undergraduate &
graduate students studying in field of reha-bilitation/
education of persons who are
blind or visually impaired. Must be US cit-izen
studying in the US. Must submit evi-dence
of legal blindness; official tran-scripts;
proof of college/university accept-ance;
three letters of recommendation; and
typewritten statement describing goals,
work experience, extracurricular activities,
how monies will be used, and economic
need (if applicable).
4 awards annually, one of which requires
evidence of economic need. Not renew-able.
See website or contact Julie Tucker at
AFB for an application.