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u.s. Air Force

Attn: Headquarters AFROTCIRRUC

551 East Maxwell Boulevard

Maxwell AFB, AI. 36112-6106

Phone: (334) 953-2091

Fax: (334) 953-5271

Web: www.afrotc.comloverview/programs/index.htm

Sununary: To provide financial assistance to college sophomores interested in joining Air Force ROTC and serving as Air Force officers following completion of their bachelor's degree.

Eligibility: Open to U.S. citizens who are entering the spring semester of their sophomore year in the general military course at a college or university with an Air Force ROTC unit on campus or a college with a cross-enrollment agreement with such a school. Applicants must be full-time students, have a GPA of 2.0 or higher both cumulatively and during the prior term, be enrolled in both the Aerospace Studies 200 class and the Leadership Laboratory, pass the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test, meet Air Force physical fitness and weight requirements, and be able to be commissioned before they become 31 years of age. They must agree to serve for at least 4 years as active-duty Air Force officers following graduation from college.

Financial data: Selected cadets receive up to $1,500 for tuition and a stipend of $250 per month.

Duration: 1 semester (the spring semester of junior year); nonrenewable.

Additional information: Upon successful completion. of their sophomore year, recipients of these scholarships may upgrade to the Professional Officer Course Incentive. They also remain eligible to apply for other AFROTC in-college scholarship programs.