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AFCEA General John A. Wickham Scholarship

AFCEA General John A. Wickham Scholarship
Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association
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Award Amount
Minimum: $2000
Deadline Date
May 01
The AFCEA General John A. Wickham Scholarship is open to rising juniors and seniors enrolled full-time in an accredited degree-granting four-year college or university in the U.S. In order to apply, you must be an enrolled sophomore or junior at the time of your application. You must also be a U.S. citizen working towards a degree in electrical engineering, computer engineering, chemical engineering, aerospace engineering, computer science, physics, or mathematics. You must also have a minimum 3.5 GPA. College transcripts and two letters of recommendation from your professors are also required with the application.

Additional Information
Please visit the Web site for complete information.

Applicable Majors
Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics
You can:  Go to the provider's website for more info